Technology » Artificial Grass Discount Depot
Today’s Artificial Grass

Advance Technologies

Cool Blade™

Cool Blade Technology Products consist of engineered shaped fiber blades and additives that help reduce the surface temperature of the grass by diverting UV rays from the shorter curled fibers where heat can be trapped. Cool Blade Technology grasses are capable of producing temperature improvements of 10-20% in some cases, relative to grasses with the highest heat retention rate. In additional to additives, the shape of the fiber and construction of the product make it a superior performing temperature controlled product. Your kids and pets will love it!


The molecular structure of DuraYarnTM Technology has a longer carbon chain which increases durability, resilience, temperature resistance and even the look and feel of the product. Higher durability, 2x more durable than the existing grades which means better resistance to heavy traffic. Resilience, blades are stronger and resist flattening more than standard yarn. Temperature resistance, better protected against fading due to sun exposure.Improved look, DuraYarnTM has a softer feel and more natural look compared to standard yarn.

Serving All of Northern CA

our physical address: 11286 Pyrites Way, Gold River, CA 95670

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